John Jeong

Created at: 2023-04-21 12:37:42

You want to be in a growing expanding industry, because that's where the opportunities will be.

Okay is terrible. You want great. You want fantastic. You want wow.

Leadership is about, no we're not going to go slow. We are going to go as fast as we know how.

You keep compressing the time frames because people can move much faster than they think they are capable of.

So this notion of mission posture also protects you against what we call mission creep, where the mission is creeping, it's getting bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger. You want to keep it very tight. We are going to do this thing and just this thing.

Have conviction. You cannot be half-hearted. If the answer is not hell yes, it's hell no.

As a leader, you have to have courage because you'll be doing things that people may not like. And you're not here to please or appease. You're here to lead. You've got to bring people along even when you're doing things that are not popular. This is not a popularity contest.

You've got to bring great clarity to situations. How to think about things? What is going on? Because everybody gets confused, because conflicting information, what does it mean? How do I think about it? Leaders explain things in terms that people can understand.

What's really important for entrepreneurs is that struggle and failure is not just normal, but it's the norm. I mean failure and struggle are very, very common. Successes are rare.

When you fail, it's not a signal that you're no good. It just means that you need to learn. And now you are.